Alfian Pamungkas Sakawiguna (born November 30, 1995) is the founder of IDCloudHost and one of young motivator in Indonesia. In 2015, Alfian founded IDCloudHost which became one of the well known Hosting Provider in Indonesia. During his career at IDCloudHost, Alfian held the position of CEO, while also being the one of four individual shareholder until now. Now IDCloudHost is one of the best-known Hosting Provider startup which held a lot of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Early Life
Alfian was born in Sukabumi, West Java – Indonesia on November 30, 1995. He is the youngest son of Mrs. Imas Masitoh and Mr. Supriyono. Alfian went to SDN Bojonggenteng Tengah & Madrasah Diniyah Awaliyah Urwatul Huda Bojonggenteng for his elementary school. From his early age, the spirit for sparing, sharing, and entrepreneur is already in him. With only Rp 2.000 per day, Alfian still able to save money, and share it to friends which is more in need. Alfian is already love to do Sunnah Fasting at the very young age (5th grade in elementary school) with one of his reason is to SAVE MONEY.
While he is on the 4th – 5th Grade in elementary school, Alfian attended an English Lesson with Mr. Nuri, which became one of the basic from his skill to speak in English while become a speakers or lecturer abroad.
On the old days, where the computer is still a luxury thing, Alfian who was still 11 years old is already interested in computer. In his childhood, whose already own a computer is his older sister. A 2nd pentium computer with Windows 98 operating system. Started by only saw his sister operated her computer, he starts to get his interest. Until now, Alfian still remembers his sisters words which told him for not touching the computer, because she was afraid that Alfian will broke it. But those words are become his turning point promised himself that one day he could have a computer and would be able to operate a computer better than his sister.
Alfian who grew up as a teenager starts to continue his study at SMPN 1 Kalapanunggal, he also actives as a staff of Intra-School Student Organization (Student Council), karate, and flag hoisting troop. During that time, Mr. Supriyono who was a teacher of mathematics also father of Alfian was confused with his son who is very difficult to understand Mathematics. But from that moment, Alfian and his parents realized that exact science is not his talent.
His passion for computers and information technology (IT) which grew since childhood made Alfian often being scolded by his parents for always being in front of the computer until late at night. At that time his parents assume Alfian never study because it rarely holds the book. But it does not dampen his love to the IT world, Alfian continues to learn. Because of he love that, after graduating high school, exactly in 2014, Alfian choses to enter Telkom University in Bandung, West Java.
Being a successful person in young age, Alfian could get a hundreds of Million Rupiah each Month in his early 20. Those moneys are earned from a web hosting company (IDCloudHost). His company is providing a services for domain register, Cloud Hosting, Servers (VPS and Dedicated Server, etc.
Even though he wasnât born among a business family, but entrepreneurial spirit of Alfian has grown since he was a child. While he is still in Junior High School, he was able to establish an Internet-Cafe in his hometown, Sukabumi, West Java, with his own money, without money from his parents. He said that he got money from selling a cellphone pulses.
Alfianâs Internet-Cafe is a successful, because at that time, the internet access to the village is really difficult to reach. All teenagers flocked to Alfianâs Internet-Cafe to interact with the cyberspace. From this business Alfian could get a lot of money. He also received an award from Communication and Informatics Government for being a finalist of Healthy and Safe Internet Ambassador 2013â. Alfian learned a lot about computers and networks from opening his own Internet-Cafe.
Alfian confess that he was studying the field of Web Hosting Provider before entering the college. The reason he studied that field was very simple, that is because he sees the potential needs of the application and the website is getting bigger, and would be bigger in the future. He said that he started the IDCloudHost with only 0 capital, and for pay the paid applications, he tries to save money by fasting, and invest more of his time to learn about it. Everything is paid off when the result become spectacular. Now, the PT. Cloud Hosting Indonesiaâs turnover has reached hundreds of Million Rupiah per Month.
However, it doesnât makes him proud of himself. Alfian keeps developing his business. One of his strategy is to utilize the social medias, and targeting several markets to attract consumers.
Though his company, Alfian held some Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) events through some program such as: Ekabima (Indonesian Advanced Education) which providing a free website and Google Apps for schools in Indonesia, NGO Go Digital Program which providing a free website and Google Apps for community/Foundation/Non-Governmental Organizations in Indonesia, and IDCloudHost (Fully-Funded) Scholarship Program which helps 2 or more students to continue their study to University.
Running a business without any obstacles is impossible, so does Alfian should face some. In the first year of IDCloudHost, several hosting companies was offered Alfian a fantastic number of money worth of billions rupiahs to acquire IDCloudHost. But Alfian surely wonât easily give up on his dream to develop his own company, he also didnât want to disappoint his clients by sold IDCloudHost to his rival. He is afraid that he will lost the trust from his client and his good name.
Alfian said that in the future he wants to build a cloud system in Indonesia which will be suitable with Indonesian Market. He also wants to educate SMEs so it could be online, makes Indonesian internet cheaper, and opening more jobs vacancy in agriculture sector. That is all because Alfian wants to help middle to lower class people to manage the agriculture.
At the end, to be a spirit for us and himself, Alfian has a motto âBringing high tech to small biz around the globe.â